Monday, September 19, 2011

WE moved! and just got internet back! So here is a post.

Oh my goodness it has been so long since my last blog.  Eric and I moved and it was crazy for a while but we are all settled.  Finally fall is here too. I LOVE the fall. I feel like apart of me wakes up during this time of year that sleeps during the rest of the seasons.  I love the gardens you get to eat from, making fresh salsas and zucchini breads. Fresh Peach Pies! The crisp air, and the way the leaves start to change.  Fall is so good. Last night we had our friends Andy Earl, Neena Anderson, Dane and Ali lewis over for dinner.  I told Eric my goal is to be more domestic this year so I prepared a fancy salad with homemade dressing and pecans I candied myself, a fresh peach pie made from scratch including the crust!  Teriyaki chicken, a caprese salad (fresh garden tomatoes), corn from the garden and quinoa.   I was super proud.  But I did not take any pictures.. I am so dumb. Oh well.  It was a beautiful spread and the company was good.
 This time of year is the  best!  To make it even better I just got a new doTERRA essential oil that I have been diffusing.  Cassia. This oil is in the cinnamon family and  cinnamon is my favorite scent, flavor and spice.  So I have been loving this oil . It is antiviral-fungal-bacterial.  It can be a quick fever relief, help assist with asthma and of course used on infections by applying to feet or area, but dilute with coconut oil because its a hot one.  I love diffusing it in my house.  I enjoy the smell and enjoy that it is killing air born pathogens.
I have also been loving my blend of Onguard oil mixed with lemon in a spray bottle ( an amber glass one to keep the clarity of the oils) that I spray down my counter tops with in my kitchen and bathroom, and pretty much I just spray all over.  It is what I use instead of Lysol.  It smells better, benefits me when I smell it, and works better!  When sprayed on a counter that was contaminated with common bacteria and viruses including H1N1 and MRSA 99.9% of everything including the two viruses were gone.  So of course I am spraying my house down with that all the time.  I love it!
When I was in aesthetic school girls had H1N1 and the school actually let us out and had us go get the free vaccination but I refused to do it.  I have never had a flu shot and I do not intend to start.  Lets be honest, I am a little unsure about if they are actually helping or doing more damage.  So I just made a tea every day with a drop of Onguard oil and honey or I would put a drop in some hot apple juice, it makes the best cider, and drink that.  I used oregano on the bottom of my feet and drank a lot of vitamin C and even though I was around sick girls with H1N1 I never contracted it. So I am a firm believer in alternative help.  Obviously that is why I am an oil junkie.
 Any way I have a million things to do on my day off.  I need to go run, do laundry, clean and my mom is teaching me how to make homemade tomato soup today . Bye Bye Campbell soup, which I can not eat anyway since it has gluten in it. This is the year or my domestication. Enjoy your fall afternoons and happy oiling!

Here are my oils and my spray that I use for my all natural  Lysol. 

Since I did not take any pics of last nights dinner, here is at least one pic of what my fresh peach pie looks like, I made these over at my moms a couple weeks ago.  Best recipe ever, but its a secret family recipe.  

Monday, July 18, 2011

My last Terrashield rant I SWEAR! =)

OKAY so I know I have been talking a lot about Terrashield but I just love it.  But I promise I will move on.  Posted below is a video of myself up in the mountains of Alpine, Utah.  My husband and I back packed up to this field to camp and also up to an amazing water fall. The morning we left I made this little video.  How ever it was really hot during the night and I hardly slept so I look super bad.  So you know... don't judge. =)

This is from a look out point looking over alpine, where we grew up! so amazing.

Eric climbed up onto this and used his hatchet to chop off the limbs for firewood, what a babe.

Horse tail falls. 

These were all shot with a cell phone so they are not the best but it is something at least!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

I love being empowered!

WARNING: I do not EVER proof read. I type and post so... do not judge my grammatical errors.  Love you all!

Okay so I am sorry about 2 things.  A:  I realize that my blog is loosing personality and I have just been posting information and I want this blog to me more than that so sorry! and B: that I have not been posting more often!  These are two things I will get better at.
Life has been a little crazy.  While working towards my doTERRA business goals, I also have a full time job at a medical spa and Eric and I are trying to look for an apartment so you know how it goes.  We had such a fun weekend though! We went up to the farmington festival days and put up a doTERRA booth to promote, educate, and let people know about the wholesale accounts.  It was so much fun, we met so many great people and I loved putting the oils on people and explaining how powerful they are and seeing wheels turning in peoples heads about how they can use the oils them selves. It was SO SO SO hot though, and when we left, eric Melissa and I were just sticky but not stinky thanks to our spray bottles we were spritzing oils on us with.  I had just got the lime oil and oh my gosh when ever I sprayed myself I just wanted to unscrew the spray nozzle and drink it which I could have if I wanted but then we would have no spritz for people =).
It is such an amazing thing, working with doTERRA and sharing and using the oils.  Being your own boss and growing your business takes work and patience.  But since my mind has transitioned from " I want it now" to "I will have it later"  I have been so happy.  I know that with determination and persistence I will succeed and create the financial stability I want in my future as well as the health I want in the future.  It really makes me happy because I do not worry so much any more.  What I want tomorrow starts with what I do today and I know that what I am doing is helping not only myself and my family but everyone I share doTERRA with.
Just the other night eric was having a hard time sleeping, he has seizure troubles and I love knowing that I can do a lot at home to help him.  I got out my frankincense oil and rubbed it on the bottom of his feet and then on his pillow so he could smell it.   He slept that night, it helped ease his brain.  Literally. He also gets head aches and I used my roll on PastTense oil ( which saves my life because I clench my jaw and it helps relax my face when I use this oil) to clear his head ache.  I love it because it is a SAFE alternative to OTC drugs which we do not like taking a lot of because of the side affects that can happen.  I love that in my home I can help right away and know that what I am using will not have some weird side effect.  I also love gettign e mails from friends who were a little "skeptical" about the oils and then say "I am a believer on digestzen!I had a horrible stomach ache and I put some oil on my stomach and it was gone in less than 5 minutes!"  Those are my favorite. I love it when other people see the healing powers of the oils.
ANYWAY.  That is my rant for the day.  I love the product and I love the business.  Not everyone likes both and that is okay!  What I want most is for people to know that they can help ease and heal with a product that is truly all natural, is less money, works faster, and will change your life for the  better!

For those of you that already have the oils happy oiling.  I hope you love being empowered! If you have not yet gotten the family physician kit contact me and lets get you going! you can start changing your life today and I promise you will not regret it.    Now I really need to go or else I am going to be late for work...which is not good.  =)

Monday, July 11, 2011

No more stinky bug spray

the difference shows in your blood

Here is a powerful slide showing how quickly doTERRA CPTG oils effect your blood to promote healthy cell movement. This is absolutely amazing.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Family Physician Kit Offer!!

Sign Up today with a doTERRA wholesale membership to receive the Family Physician Kit and a Slim and Sassy oil  all for $150.00 (wholesale) instead of $185.00 (retail).  This also includes your membership fee of $35.00  that lets you purchase other oils and products at the lowest prices possible!

Purchase Kit Here!

    PLUS all enrollments now until July 20,2011 will qualify to enter a drawing to receive a FREE Modern Essentials book: A Contemporary Guide to the Therapeutic Use of Essential oils.  This is the most user friendly personal usage book I have seen yet and is a  $24.50 value.  

If you have any questions feel free to email me at 

Monday, June 13, 2011

Lets talk business

Today while I was working on my vision board, I came across this inspirational quote.  I loved it and decided it should go right in the center of everything.  Here it is :

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.
Henry David Thoreau

                  What is the kind of life you have imagined for yourself?  Are you living it?  Did you walk confidently in the direction of your dreams, or have you become comfortable where you are? 
                 I have seen it time and time again where friends or co-workers, who are educated people, get comfortable in jobs where the companies treat them poorly or where they are not living up to their full potential.  This may not be you.  You may be making a good living with the job you have but you may be lacking time freedom.  Is that what you imagined your future as?  I was lucky enough to land my "dream job" as a Master Esthetician, working at a five star hotel where I was working part time bringing $700.00-1200.00 pay checks in every two weeks.  However, I was absolutely worked to the bone.  Time off? No Way.  No use in trying, even if I was sick I know I would have had to work because, I witnessed it with my co-workers.  I hardly saw my husband and family. I missed big events.  I was drained every night.  I loved the money but I learned that my "dream job" was not all I thought it would be.  I want a change in my future as I am sure you do. 
               Lets talk about network marketing.  I am sure a lot of you are already in the hole about this topic.  I am here today as the daughter of the founding international distributor for a major network marketing company to tell you that it works. What ever your attitude is towards network marketing companies, I challenge you to click this link and take 12 minutes of your day to watch what Eric Worre, a network marketing professional has to say about this industry and where it is going.  I never understood why my dad did what he did, I did not like his profession, because like any self employed person there are hard times but I did not see the light at the end of the tunnel. This is not something left only for network marketing.  It is in every industry that has entrepreneurs.  I am now a firm believer in the networking industry and am excited to watch it shape my future and give me the life I have imagined.